Honour Roll - World War II
Honour Roll - WWII |
Rank: Able Body Seaman
Able Seaman MacNeil was lost at sea 3 April 1941 by enemy action. He was 37. |
John Neil MacLellan
John Neil MacLellan son of Angus and Cassie (MacLean) MacLellan of Ottawa Brook enlisted in the Army 11 Mar 1940 with the RHLI in Hamilton Ontario. Left Halifax with Convoy E55 on 23 July 1940 to Gourock Scotland. On 2 Aug 1940 was promoted to Cpl. and went on the Dieppe Raid (Jubilee Op.) On 19 Aug 1942 he was reported missing. Reported dead 11 Feb 1943 (killed in action) and buried in Communal Cemetery Equihen Plage near Calais France. Reburied Calais Canadian Military Cemetery St. Inglevert France. He was 28.
John Roderick MacNeil
John Roderick MacNeil son of Johnie and Mary (MacNeil) MacNeil Barra Glen, enlisted in the Navy 24 Aug 1940 as a stoker at HMCS STADACONA Halifax. Posted to HMCS MAYFLOWER (Corvette) 10 Jan 1941. Reported missing from ship 1 Oct 1942. Body recovered 12 Oct 1942 at Berth # 71 Foyle Shipyard Londonderry Ireland. Cause of death was drowning. Buried at Londonderry City Cemetery age 30.
Hugh Columba MacNeil
Hugh Columba MacNeil son of Joseph and Sarah (MacNeil) MacNeil of Red Point enlisted in the Canadian Air Force at Halifax 7 May 1941. St. Hubert Quebec as AC 2, LAC 19 Sep 1941, Air Observer Course at Chatham On. Was promoted to L/Sgt. 14 Mar 1942, went overseas 12 May 1942 and was attached to the RAF Sqns 31, 40, 49, and 50. Went Officer training 28 July 1942, posted to 57 Sqn RAF as Navigator on Lancasters 16 Nov 1942. Missing presumed dead after air operations 13 May 1943 on Duisburg Germany, age 24. Lancaster broke in half, two of crew of seven lived, two killed by German Night Fighters. FO MacNeil and two others assumed killed.
Colin A. MacDougall
Colin MacDougall son of Donald Joseph and MaryAnn (Gillis) MacDougall Xmas Island. Joined the CBH for summer camp at Aldershot 1937, attended Officer Trng. Corps while at St. FX 1937/38. 1940 he was with Can Fusiliers of Woodstock On then Royal Can Signal Corps in 1941. Enlisted in Halifax 30 Aug 1941 in the RCAF, went to Radio School at Chatham On earned Air Observer Badge 20 July 1942. Posted overseas 6 Aug 1942, attached to 57 Sqn RAF. Worked his way up AC2-8/41, LAC 1/42, TSgt 7/42, Pilot Off (Nav.) 1/43. From Officer Trng posted to 431 Sqn 24 Feb 43. On the night of 11/12 June 1943 his Wellington aircraft HE 392 with a crew of 5 was shot down on a raid on the Rhur, Germany by enemy fighters. Plane crashed hitting the ground at high speed near Schagen Holland. One body was recovered, 4 others recovered 1993 and buried in Bergen Op Zoom war cemetery.
John Hugh MacNeil
John Hugh MacNeil was the son of Dan X. and Ann (Gillis) MacNeil of Benacadie Pond. Enlisted in the CBH in Sydney 29 Feb 1940. Stationed in Sydney, Mulgrave, St. John NB, Connaught Range ON, Camp Borden, and Debert. Left for overseas 10 Nov 1941 arriving in Liverpool 23 Nov 1941. Posted to 7th Can Inf. Reinforce Unit then to the West Nova Scotia Regt. 13 Sep 1943. Arrived in Italy 24 Sep 1943. Between 10-19 Dec 1943, the 1st Can Div. made 8 attacks on the Gully, a ridge with a road from Ortona, which had a cliff impassable to tanks. The WNSR kept the enemy pinned down from the front while other Inf. and Armoured Corps went inland and opened a route to the ridge. Pte. MacNeil was killed in action 12 Dec 1943 age 20.
George Joseph MacClusky
George J. MacClusky son of Fred and Katie (MacNeil) MacClusky of Ottawa Brook was in the Militia before joining the CBH 5 Sep 1939 in Sydney. Married Dorothy N. MacClusky 4 May 1941. He embarked for overseas Nov 1941 and arrived in Liverpool 10 Nov 1941. Went on a drill course for 7 months with 1st Welch Guards. Promoted to Cpl. Feb 1943. Posted to Can Special Base Depot May 1943. Posted to Carleton and York (NB Regt) May 1943. Promoted to Sgt., embarked for Sicily 29 June 1943 and reverted to Cpl. 29 Aug 1943. Posted to WNS Regt 16 Oct 1943, admitted to 9 Field Ambulance 20 Oct 1943, transferred to 54 General Hospital then 5th Gen Hospital then to 15th Gen Hospital. Posted to WNS Regt 23 Dec 1943. Wounded in action14:30 hrs 4 Jan 1944 by machine gun. Died of wounds 13 Jan 1944 at 09:15 hrs. buried in San Vito Cemetery. Reburied 24 Feb 1947 in Moro River Cemetery Ortona Italy age 27. |
Donald C. MacKinnon
Lt. Donald C. MacKinnon so of Rory S. and Margaret (MacNeil) MacKinnon of MacKinnon's Harbour. Records file 40-38254 is not available because of sub section 19(1) of Access to Info Act. Lt. MacKinnon was killed in Normandy France 8 July 1944 age 26.
Adam Joseph MacDonald
Adam Joseph MacDonald son of Hector and Mary (Dixon) MacDonald, husband of Monica I. MacDonald of St. John's NL. Enlisted in Sydney 11 July 1941, trained as a gunner, posted to 16th AA Battery 13 Dec1941St. John's NL. Transferred to 103rd coastal Battery 21 Oct 1942. Embarked for overseas 3 Aug 1944 for England. Went to France 2 Sep 1944, posted to Argyle and Sutherland Inf. Unit 14 Sep 1944. Killed in action 29 Oct 1944. While the 2nd and 3rd Can Inf. Divs. were clearing the Scheldt to open the Port of Antwerp, the 4th Can Armoured Div. was protecting the west flank of the 1st Can Army. They had to fight their way up the north coast of Holland taking the city of Bergen-Op-Zoom. Pte. MacDonald was 23 when he died.
Roderick Joseph Cameron
Roderick Joseph Cameron son of Daniel J. and Catherine (Gillis) Cameron of Castle Bay joined the army in Halifax 14 July 1942. Taken on strength of 5th Coy Atlantic Coast Sigs in Sydney, also stationed in Windsor, Halifax and Aldershot. Embarked for overseas13 Oct 1944, landed in England 10 Oct 1944. Sent to Holland 23 Nov 1944. Posted to North NS Highlanders 18 Jan 1945. Wounded 15:30 hrs and died 18:00 hrs 5 Mar 1945. There was vicious close quarter fighting in the Hochweld Forest. Road were few with lots of soft mud that bogged the tanks and gave the German 88's a field day. Pte. Cameron was 23.
James Joseph Gillis
James Joseph Gillis son of Rory F. and Catherine (MacNeil) Gillis of Jamesville joined the CBH from NPAM 2 Sep 1939. Discharged Med unfit 19 Oct 1939, joined again 17 Apr 1942. Posted to 28th Arm Regt 25 July 1942. Arrived in England 8 Oct 1942. Attached to HQ 2nd Can Armd Bde. Arrived in Normandy France 2 July 1944. Posted to 10th can Regt Fort Jerry Horse. Posted to 27th ArmdRegt Sherbrooke Fusiliers as L/Cpl. Gunner Operator 8 Feb 1945 and made a Cpl. 12 Apr 1945. Wounded 12 Apr 1945 and admitted 23rd Can Field Ambulance on to 9th Can Field Dressing Station to 21 CFDS to 1st Can Gear Hospital. He had been severely wounded in the shoulder, left thigh, and back, 1st and 2nd degree burns to hands, face, chest, and legs. Died of wounds 19 Apr 1945. Inf. and Armed units continue to advance into Germany meeting heavy resistance.
James Bernard MacInnis
James B. MacInnis son of Dan F. and Mary Ann (MacKenzie) MacInnis of Grand Narrows joined the CBH from NPAM 2 Sep 1939 and stationed in North Sydney. Promoted L/Cpl. 11 July 1940 and Cpl 1 June 1941. Stationed in Sydney, Mulgrave, Sussex, Can Ranges Ott, Camp Borden, Debert. Embarked overseas 10 Nov 1941 arriving in Liverpool England. Married Margery Ellen Lovell at Church of St. Mary Mother of Christ 2 Dec 1943. Promoted to L/Sgt 23 Mar 1944. Reverted back to Cpl 24 May 1944, embarked to Italy 27 Oct 1943. 15 months later left Italy 24 Feb 1946 via South France to join 1st Can Army in Holland. Killed in action in the taking of Delfzyl. After 5 years and 8 months of training and 1 year and 8 months of fighting, James was killed 1st May 1945, three days before the unconditional surrender of the Germans in Holland and North Germany.